Our Team

  • Robert Marschall (Founder)

    Sports in general, Sports Cards, and Sports Memorabilia has always been a hobby and a near obsession. After a decade and a half of being in the industry, it was time to help other people find a passion and joy for what our team loves so much. Next, hopefully a championship comes from one of my favorite clubs. (Looking at you Mets)

  • Michael Clinco (IT + Sales)

    Sports and memorabilia have always had a special place for me. Having a degree in marketing and plenty of experience with all the fun behind the scenes, I always love a good challenge!

  • Scott Clinco (HR + Product Overview)

    Been buying and selling cards & memorabilia for over half my life. Always enjoy helping people get the joy out of the hobby that it has given me. Like Rob said, hopefully one of our teams win a title…. soon!
